Lehrman Shihan will teach class Wed September 11, 7:00-8:30
Come Celebrate Frank and Derrell’s 20th anniversary of teaching Saturdays at ASNJ on Saturday Sept 21st.. . They will teach the 2:00 class and we will have a pot luck party to follow
ASNJ Aikido/Iaido Demonstration Saturday Sept 28th, 6:00pm at the Central Jersey Community Center CJCC - 80 Cottontail Ln, Somerset, NJ 08873. Please join us and support the dojo.
Kids tests Oct 5th. 11:30. The forms are available on the website. Please pre register your children
Hal Lehrman Shihan will be teaching Oct. 12-13 in Portsmouth NH, A bunch of ASNJ’ians are going
Hal Lehrman Shihan will be teaching Oct. 26 in Aikido North Jersey
Dojo trip to NYA Saturday November 9th. We are meeting Linden Train Station 9:30 to catch the 10:04 to take Steve Pimsler Sensei 12:00 class
Dec 7th All Tests Day:
Kids test 12:00. Kids and parents are welcome to stay watch adult tests and the party.
Wheel of Ukemi. - 1:30
Kyu Test 3:00.
Holiday party to follow.