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Aikido Schools of New Jersey is committed to providing a safe and friendly environment for its members to learn, grow and develop in aikido. As a result, Aikido Schools of New Jersey publishes this Member Code of Conduct (“MCC”) to establish the minimum expectations of behavior for its members.







Aikido Schools of New Jersey (ASNJ) is committed to providing a safe and friendly environment for its members to learn, grow and develop in aikido. As a result, Aikido Schools of New Jersey publishes this Member Code of Conduct to establish the minimum expectations of behavior for its members.



Etiquette is an important aspect of Aikido training at ASNJ. In Aikido, etiquette is an outward expression of your martial arts' awareness. By observing good dojo etiquette, you will be demonstrating proper understanding of your relationships with other students and the martial aspects of Aikido training.

Before Class

  1. Always be physically clean. Pay particular attention to your hands and feet. Avoid wearing strong cologne or perfume.

  2. Make your body safe for training. Remove any chewing gum or other loose objects from your mouth. Keep your fingernails and toenails trimmed short. Remove any jewelry, particularly earrings, bracelets, necklaces and heavy rings. Open wounds must be well covered with medical tape.

  3. Make certain that your (uniform) is clean and wear it neatly. Wear the jacket with the left panel outermost and tie the belt in a proper square knot (tied below the navel).

  4. Help clean the dojo; do not wait to be asked. The mat area should be swept, dusted and wiped down, ready for training after every class. The changing rooms should be swept, and nothing left on the floor or benches; shower, sink and toilet surfaces must be wiped down and disinfected. Maintaining the cleanliness of the dojo is considered to be a part of a student’s training.

  5. Before entering the mat, acknowledge your arrival with a kneeling or standing bow toward the kamiza (place of honor). Please note, you should also bow towards the upon arriving and departing the dojo.

  6. Enter the mat area at the edge of the mat furthest from the .

  7. You may warm up before class or sit in quiet meditation before class. Sit formally in “” (legs folded back under your buttocks, knees shoulder width apart and big toes touching) or you may sit in “zazen” (cross legged). If sitting in “” please make sure the soles of your feet do not face the or the instructor.



  1. Try not to be late for class. If you are late, wait by the edge of the mat until the instructor invites you to join the class. Thank the instructor with a bow and join the class. Quickly warm up and then approach any group of students and sit in and wait for an invitation to join them. Typically, if there is a trio of students working, ask the odd-one-out to join training.

  2. When the instructor bows to the , do the same. When the instructor bows to the class, bow at the same time to the instructor while saying “” () as an indication of your readiness to begin practice.

  3. After the warm-up exercises and after the demonstration of a technique, bow to your partner before beginning your practice. Again, use the term “” when you bow to your partner as your way of inviting your partner to practice.

  4. When the instructor determines that it is time to stop or change techniques, the instructor will clap or announce it verbally. At that time, bow to your partner and move quickly and quietly to the edge of the mat, not in front of the and observe the demonstration from (kneeling sitting position). Do not clap during class (unless you are the instructor)

  5. If the instructor stops your training to provide clarification concerning a technique, move to a place that is safely out of the way and observe while sitting in . After the correction, bow to the instructor, then to your partner, and resume practice. Avoid sitting with your back to the .

  6. If you should need to fix your during class, first bow to your partner to indicate the interruption in practice. Then face away from both your partner and the while straightening your . When you are done face your partner and indicate your readiness with a bow.

  7. Once class has started, never leave or re-enter the mat area without asking the instructor.

  8. Always report any injury immediately to the instructor.

  9. If you know the technique being studied and you are working with someone who does not, you may lead the person through it, but do not assume the role of the instructor. You are here for practice; not to teach unless by the instructor. At the same time, respect those more experienced.

  10. Never stand around idly on the mat. You should be practicing or waiting your turn.

  11. There is no shame in having to stop to catch your breath. Sit in or cross-legged at the edge of the mat. Never lean on walls in the dojo. Your partner can join another partner pair or partner group until you are ready to continue.                                                                             

  12. At the end of class, straighten your and line up in an orderly row as in the beginning of class. Join the instructor in the bow towards the . Then bow to the instructor as the instructor bows to you while saying “thank you.”Finally, bow to your practice partners.            

  13. All members must wear their hakama and black belts during class.

  14. If you have a cold or flu, stay home and recover. The dojo will still be there after you get better. Share your enthusiasm, not your germs.




  1. Members are instructed to read and become familiar with the requirements contained in this Code of Conduct.

  2. Members who violate this Code of Conduct are subject to disciplinary action to be determined by the Owners and Sensei’s of ASNJ.

  3. The dojo’s operating hours are listed on our website.

  4. Members are required to pay their dues on time. If your credit card or bank account information has changed or is expired, it is your responsibility to provide an update to the dojo.

  5. It is everyone's responsibility to keep the dojo clean. The practice area should be kept clean and the mat swept and wiped after each class. Trash should not be left in the changing rooms or visiting area and each member is expected to clean up after him/herself.

  6. Members must take their home after each practice session. If you leave your in the changing room for an extended time, it may be assumed you have abandoned your uniform.

  7. Members shall not engage in conduct that is disruptive or is reasonably expected to be disruptive of the dojo’s operations.

  8. Members shall not engage in conduct tending to bring ASNJ or its head instructor into disrepute.

  9. Members shall not engage in or use written or spoken language that is discourteous, offensive, abusive, discriminatory or obscene.

  10. Members shall not engage in practices or activities that constitute sexual harassment.

  11. Members shall not harass, badger, yell, threaten or physically attack fellow members, dojo staff or visitors. (It is wise to remember that you train at a dojo.)

  12. Members shall not appear for practice under the influence of drugs or alcohol.

  13. Members shall not engage in any criminal activity while at the dojo.

  14. Members shall refrain from expressing opinions or making remarks that could offend Lehrman Sensei, Tall Sensei or other members ofASNJ while you are in class or at the dojo.



  1.  ASNJ has instituted MindBody, an attendance registration program. Members are responsible for “checking in.” Your attendance will be taken into account as a factor for promotional purposes.

  2. It is inappropriate to approach Lehrman Sensei with questions about training days, promotions or dues payment. Promotion is at the sole discretion of Lehrman Sensei.   You should ask Sensei Jay if you have any questions about promotions.

  3. Although training days are used to set minimum practice requirements for testing, they are not intended to be the main focus of training.

ASNJ is the oldest aikido dojo in NJ. Founded in 1977. We offer  25+ classes per week.

Sensei Jay Tall is the Chief Instructor, along with Shihan Hal Lehrman, 7th dan.

©2017 Aikido Schools of New Jersey.  Member of the United States Aikido Federation.


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